Tips on reducing foaming when juicing
What's the most important factor when choosing a juicer? For some, it's ease of use. For others, it's speed. Clear juice also consistently ranks as one of the most important factors when juicing. Juice clarity is determined by the amount of pulp in the juice, foaming, and oxidation. Let's take a look at some ways to minimize foaming.
Higher speed = more foam
The higher the rpm of the juicer, the more air is mixed into the juice. This is what creates foam.
- Centrifugal juicers run at approximately 10,000 rpm. They will always create the most foam.
- Auger juicers operate at the slowest speeds, usually between 40-110 rpm depending on the juicer. This minimizes or even eliminates foam, depending on the produce being juiced.
How to remove foam from juice
Some juicers include a strainer which fits on top of the juice container. For example, the Sana 707 includes a large glass juice bowl with a custom fit stainless steel strainer. This will filter out all the foam.
If your juicer doesn't include a strainer, you can always pour the juice through a large hand-held strainer when pouring it into a glass. A smaller strainer can be used to scoop out much of the foam without losing too much juice.
The big 3 for foaming: Spinach, pineapple, and apples
- Pro minimum pěny ve šťávě si vyberte mezi nízkootáčkovými odšťavňovači. Ideální jsou šnekové, které produkují nejméně pěny, ať už odšťavňujete cokoli.
- Čistou šťávu bez pěny poskytují i dvouhřídelové odšťavňovače – s výjimkou ananasu. I když ananas pění pokaždé, se šnekovým odšťavňovačem je to přece jen lepší.
- Na odstranění většího i menšího množství pěny použijte cedník, který většinou dostanete s odšťavňovačem.
- Vždy počítejte s větší pěnivostí u jablek, ananasu a špenátu.